Hong Kong economy

Hong Kong is a significant Asian economic hub recognized for its robust financial services industry and brisk business operations. In this post, we’ll provide you with a detailed breakdown of Hong Kong economy data.

Look back Hong Kong economy growth after the crisis period

Hong Kong has long been recognized for its strong financial sector and vibrant business environment. Hong Kong, as a Chinese Special Administrative Region, has a significant degree of autonomy in its economic and financial regulations, which has contributed to its success as a regional economic powerhouse.

The well-developed financial sector in Hong Kong is a crucial engine of the city’s economic progress. The city is home to several banks, asset management firms, and other financial organizations that offer a wide range of services to consumers from all over the world. In addition, Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading hubs for initial public offers (IPOs), and many firms opt to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in order to obtain access to global financial markets.

Hong Kong economy growth overview
Hong Kong economy growth overview

The strategic position of Hong Kong is another major aspect contributing to its economic success. The city functions as a gateway to China and the rest of Asia, with some of the busiest ports and airports in the world. Because of its closeness to important regional markets, Hong Kong has attracted a huge number of international firms, which has fueled economic expansion.

In recent years, Hong Kong economy growth has faced some challenges, including the social unrest of 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the city’s government has taken steps to support the economy, including providing financial assistance to businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic. Hong Kong economy growth is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by the city’s strategic location, strong financial sector, and highly developed services industry.

Overview Hong Kong economic growth rate in recent period

Hong Kong has an export-oriented economy despite its modest size, is the world’s eighth biggest trading entity with the value of goods and services transferred being four times the amount of GDP. Hong Kong has recently emerged as an international center for business, trade, and financial imports seeking to enter the Chinese market. As a result, the largest sector of the economy, accounting for over 93 % of GDP, is services. Following the source of Trading economics, we report data on Hong Kong’s economic growth rate in recent periods.

Hong Kong economic growth rate
Hong Kong’s economic growth rate
  1. Hong Kong GDP Contraction Confirmed in Q4 (22 Feb, 2022)

Hong Kong’s economy contracted by 4.2 % year on year in the fourth quarter of 2022, following a revised 4.6 % drop in the third quarter of 2022 and matching the preliminary number. This was the fourth consecutive period of contraction, with the dip mostly owing to a persistent drop in goods exports (-24.9 % versus -15.8 %), while services exports rose (2 % vs -4.2 %). Government expenditure, on the other hand, grew (9.1 % versus 5.3 %), while private consumption climbed (1.9 % vs -0.4 %). GDP was unchanged on a seasonally adjusted quarterly basis after falling by 2.6 % in the previous three months. The GDP declined by 3.5 % in 2022, compared to a 6.4 % increase in 2021.

  1. Hong Kong Economy Growth Rate Recovers in Q1 (02 May, 2023)

According to early estimates, Hong Kong’s GDP gained 2.7% year on year in the first quarter of 2023, recovering from a downwardly revised 4.1% decline in the previous quarter. It was the first economic growth since the fourth quarter of 2021, owing mostly to a substantial increase in private consumption (12.5% vs. 1.7% before) and a rebound in fixed investments (5.8% vs. -8.9%). Meanwhile, government spending has fallen dramatically (0.5% versus 9.1%). External commerce had a significant increase in service exports (16.9% vs 0.6%) and imports of services (20.6% vs 1.2%). In contrast, both goods exports (-18.7% vs -24.9%) and imports (-14.5% vs -22.9%) continued to fall. GDP increased by 5.3% on a seasonally adjusted quarterly basis, the greatest increase since Q1 of 2021.

  1. Hong Kong’s GDP contracting faster than expected

The preliminary estimate revealed that Hong Kong’s GDP shrunk by 4.2 % year on year in the fourth quarter of 2022, while economists anticipated it to shrink by 2.9 %, following a revised 4.6 % fall in the previous period. The drop in GDP was mostly due to a poor performance in external trade during the quarter, with goods exports falling 24.8 % (vs. -15.8 % in Q3) and services falling 22.8 % (vs. -16.4 %). Meanwhile, private consumption rose quicker (1.7 % vs. -0.4 %) and government expenditure increased faster (9.1 % vs. 5.3 %). GDP was unchanged on a seasonally adjusted quarterly basis, against market expectations for a 1.5 % increase, following a 2.6 % decline in the preceding period. For 2022, the economy contracted 3.5 %, following a 6.4 % advance in 2021.

Hong Kong economy statistics 

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP):

In 2020, Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was HKD 2,779.7 billion, a 6.1% decline from 2019. Despite the economic problems created by the COVID-19 epidemic, Hong Kong’s economy has demonstrated resilience, owing to solid foundations and a favorable business climate.

  • Unemployment rate:

The unemployment rate in Hong Kong was 6.8% in the first quarter of 2021, which was higher than the same time the previous year. The epidemic has had a considerable influence on the labor market in Hong Kong, especially in the tourist and retail industries. However, the government has taken a number of initiatives to help firms and workers, such as salary subsidies and low-interest loans.

  • Exports and Imports:

Hong Kong is a significant Asian commercial hub with well-developed logistics and transportation infrastructure. Total exports were worth HKD 3,006.2 billion in 2020, while total imports were worth HKD 4,188.4 billion. China, the United States, and Japan are Hong Kong’s biggest commercial partners.

  • Inflation:

The consumer price index (CPI) in Hong Kong increased by 0.5% in 2020 compared to the previous year. This is a relatively low rate of inflation, indicating stable prices and a well-managed economy.

  • Industries:

The services sector is the most important in the Hong Kong economy, accounting for around 94% of the city’s GDP. Finance, professional services, logistics, and tourism are examples of such activities. Manufacturing, construction, and commerce are also important industries in Hong Kong.

  • Investment:

Hong Kong is also a major hub for international investment, thanks to its strategic location, stable business environment, and efficient regulatory system. In 2020, the total stock of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in Hong Kong was HKD 9,324.6 billion. This reflects the confidence that investors have in Hong Kong as a gateway to the Asian market.

  • Economic Freedom:

According to the Index of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong ranks as the world’s freest economy, with high scores in areas such as trade freedom, fiscal health, and government integrity. Hong Kong’s commitment to free market principles and minimal government intervention has helped to create a vibrant and dynamic business environment.

Future of Hong Kong economy – Hong Kong GDP forecast 2023 

Hong Kong gdp forecast 2023 is expected to rise by 3.5 and 3.1% in 2023 and 2024, respectively. Despite global slowing growth and tightening financial conditions, and a projected return to fiscal balance in about two years, tourism service exports and domestic economic activity, particularly private consumption, are expected to normalize as border control and other COVID-related restrictions are lifted in both Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China, reducing policy uncertainty. Because the economy’s slack will keep overall wage pressures mild, and housing rents are anticipated to continue subdued, inflation pressures will stay moderated, with CPI inflation gradually rising to around 214% by end-2023.

Hong Kong economy statistics
Hong Kong GDP forecast 2023 

In the medium term, against the backdrop of an aging population, elevated private debt, and Mainland China’s secular growth slowdown, Hong Kong GDP forecast 2023 may fall below 3%, but ongoing economic integration with Mainland China (particularly the Greater Bay Area) and active promotion of innovation and technological development locally may prevent the potential growth from slowing.


In conclusion, the Hong Kong economy is expected to grow 3.5% to 5.5% this year after shrinking 3.5% in 2022, Financial Secretary Paul Chan said in a 2023/24 budget speech in February. It is strong and vibrant, with a large services sector, significant levels of foreign trade and investment, and a dedication to economic freedom. Despite the pandemic’s problems, Hong Kong’s foundations remain solid, and the government has adopted a variety of initiatives to assist enterprises and jobs. If you want to do business in Asia, Hong Kong should be on your radar.

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