How Do You Change Your Company Name in Hong Kong?

Changing your company name in Hong Kong incorporates a series of steps that should be taken according to the Companies Ordinance. The process ensures that the new name is lawfully perceived and appropriately reported. Here is a step by step for changing your company name in Hong Kong:

1. Board Resolution:

The initial step is to pass a board assurance approving the difference in the company name. This decision should be recorded inside the minutes of the get together.

2. Check name Accessibility:

Some time as of late proceeding, you might want to ensure that the cutting edge company title isn’t as of now taken or also similar to a current name. You’ll check the accessibility of the ideal title using the Companies Registry’s Cyber Search Centre or the Company Search Mobile Service.

3. Extraordinary Determination:

An exceptional assurance should be passed by the investors supporting the difference in name. This normally requires a 75% greater part vote at a regular gathering.

4. File the NNC2 Form:

When the extraordinary assurance is passed, you need to file the Form NNC2 (Notice of Change of Company Name) with the Companies Registry. This form should be submitted in no less than 15 days of passing the unique assurance.

5. Pay the Fee:

There is a charge for recording the difference in name. Ensure that the suitable expense is paid to stay away from any defers in handling.

6. Get Certificate of Change of Name:

In the wake of presenting the NNC2 Form and paying the charge, the Company Registry will give a Certificate of Change of Name. This endorsement authoritatively affirms the new company name.

7. Upgrade Business Records:

When the new name is supported, update all business records, including ledgers, agreements, writing material, and advancing materials, to mirror the new name.

8. Notify Relevant Authorities:

Illuminate significant specialists and partners, for example, the Inland Revenue Department, colleagues, and clients, around the difference in name.

How Do You Change Your Company Name in Hong Kong?

How Do You Change Your Company Name in Hong Kong?

Documents Required for Change of Company Name in Hong Kong

Changing your company name requires specific documentation to be submitted to the Company Registry. The key reports include:

  1. Form NNC2: Notice of Change of Company Name form, properly finished and checked.
  2. Special Resolution: A copy of the extraordinary assurance passed by the investors supporting the difference in name.
  3. Board Resolution: Minutes of the executive gathering where the choice to change the company name was made.
  4. Fee Payment: Evidence of installment of the expected expense for the difference in name application.

Ensure all reports are accurately finished up and endorsed to keep away from any postpones inside the handling of your application.

Documents Required for Change of Company Name in Hong Kong

Documents Required for Change of Company Name in Hong Kong

How Long Does It Take to Change Company Name in Hong Kong?

The term of a company name in Hong Kong can change contingent upon various parts.

The deduced time frame is as takes later:

  1. Planning: Drafting and passing the major goals and arranging the principal chronicles might take anywhere from a day to seven days.
  2. Submission to Companies Registry: When the reports are ready, they can be submitted to the Companies Registry. Dealing with time at the Companies Registry is, when in doubt, around 5 to 7 working days.
  3. Issuance of Certificate of Change of Name: Upon handling, a Certificate of Change of Name will be issued by the Company Registry. This may take 3-5 working days.
  4. Up-dating Business Records: Refreshing all the business records, highlighting the reasonable subject matter experts and switching writing material and promoting materials may take one more week or really depending upon the intricacy and proportion of your trade. By and large, the whole handle may take around 3 a month to start to wrap up.

In all, this period is subject to differ as per the individual circumstances of your business and the effectiveness of the Company Registry during the application period.


Changing your company name in Hong Kong is an organized cycle that requires wary preparation and consistency with legitimate essentials. By making after the strides spread out and ensuring all fundamental documents are submitted precisely, you’ll be capable of successfully changing your company name and continuing your exchange tasks underneath another character. If necessary, consider searching for proficient guidance or companies to empower the strategy and assurance consistency with all controls.