Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Sanctioned Countries

Update time:  24 February 2023

Non-co-operative jurisdictions

We do not allow our products and services to be used directly or indirectly in the following countries. The list of countries will be periodically updated and posted on the link below:

  1. Albania
  2.  Barbados
  3.  Burkina Faso
  4.  Cayman Islands
  5.  Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  6.  Democratic Republic of Congo
  7.  Gibraltar
  8.  Haiti
  9.  Iran
  10. Jamaica
  11. Jordan
  12.  Mali
  13.  Mozambique
  14.  Myanmar
  15.  Nigeria (New)
  16.  Panama
  17.  Philippines
  18.  Senegal
  19.  South Africa (New)
  20.  South Sudan
  21.  Syria
  22.  Tanzania
  23.  Türkiye
  24.  Uganda
  25.  United Arab Emirates
  26.  Yemen

 Expatriates living in the listed countries will not be supported by our service.


One IBC® Group