BusinessHong Kong Trademark Registration

Registering a trademark to protect your business name or product name in Hong Kong. One IBC provides Hong Kong trademark registration service to simplify your process today
Overview of Hong Kong Trademark Registration

Overview of Hong Kong Trademark Registration

We help clients protect their assets, increase market share, and strengthen their competitive advantage. Our proactive approach to IP asset development, protection, and exploitation makes Hong Kong Company Formation Services trusted partners with any global clients we worked with.

Our integrated IP practice provides significant advise on anti-trust matters, transactions, and competition disputes, as well as unequaled appeal skills before multiple courts and tribunals. As the economy extends beyond national boundaries, we offer comprehensive support in key business hubs globally.

To cater to our client’s IP needs worldwide, we have a large team of IP practitioners spread across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Our global presence enables us to deliver the most effective solutions and support our clients efficiently.

32 +
Branches representative and associated companies
10 +
Years of experience in corporate service provider

How to register Intellectual Property and Trademark in Hong Kong?


1. Provide description & conduct pre-submission search

Submit your trademark description, a JPEG copy of the trademark, and your business registration/ identity for personal registration to conduct a trademark pre-submission search. We will review existing records of marks to identify potential conflicts with your proposed mark. The records should be organized for easy identification of conflicting marks, whether paper, microfilm, or electronic.


2. Complete & submit required documents

We will complete and submit all required documents and the application form to the local authority in your desired country for trademark registration within 1-2 days. Next, a trademark records search will be conducted, and we will wait for 6 months to meet with requirements in case a similar trademark has been registered or applied for.


3. Receive trademark registration certificate

Your trademark will be published in the Official Gazette Notice of the country. Assuming no objections, you will receive a certificate of registration within 4-7 months, varying by country and trademark type.

Trademark under the trademark law of HKSAR

A trademark is defined as any sign that is used to promote and differentiate the owner's goods or services from those of other undertakings. It can take various forms, including words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colors, sounds, smells, the shape of goods or their packaging and any combination of such signs.

Trademark registration provides the owner with the exclusive right to prevent third-party usage of their mark, or a deceptively similar one, for registered goods or services, or similar ones, without their consent. Protection of unregistered trademarks relies on common law, which is more challenging to establish a case under.

Trademark under the trademark law of HKSAR